The permanent access road to the Flaubert bridge
Discover the main informations about the permanent access road to the Flaubert bridge on the left bank of the Seine.
In short
The development of the permanent access roads to the Flaubert bridge on the left bank of the Seine pertains to the major roadway “Sud III – pont Flaubert [South III - Flaubert bridge]” (RN338 - RN1338) which constitutes the main arterial thoroughfare extending to the west of the Greater Rouen Metropolitan Area and serves a dual functional role of both servicing the core of the Rouen Normandy Metropolitan Area as well as enabling traffic and transportation flows by linking with the regional infrastructural network. The operation thus meets the needs of the territory in respect of travel and mobility, urban development and augmenting the economic attractiveness of the metropolitan area, while also taking into account the environmental sensitivities of the sector.
Under the contracting and works supervision authority of the French State, through the Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement (DREAL) Normandie [Normandy Regional Directorate of Environment, Planning and Housing], the operation represents an investment of € 180M for the State and the municipalities. It is planned that the commissioning and opening of the new access roads to the Flaubert Bridge will take place in 2025.

Rouen Flaubert neighborhood
Situated right in the urban core of the Rouen Metropolitan Area, at the foot of the Flaubert bridge on the left bank of the Seine, the Rouen Flaubert neighborhood has taken root in a rapidly changing space that will eventually become a new multifunctional central district: housing, business enterprises, leisure activities, etc. This proposed project has led the State to adapt the developments planned in the context of the permanent access roads on the left bank of the Seine with a view to optimising the functionalities thereof and ensuring quality in terms of urban and landscaping integration.
The construction works for creating the access roads to the Flaubert Bridge have been conceived and designed such as to generate the least possible impact on the territory, whether this be in relation to users of the road network, the economic activities, as also the environment. These works also represents an opportunity for employment and for those individuals who are far removed from the labour market.
The project will be undertaken in 4 main phases:
- End of 2019 - 2021: Creation of roads in the Rouen Flaubert district
- End of 2021 - mid-2023: Construction of engineering structures in the North of Sud III (South III)
- Mid 2023 - end of 2025: Connection to Sud III (South III)
- 2026: Finishing works

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